Day 47: Wednesday

Work-wise, today I was just finishing off some Western blots and sorting out some figures for my report. 

The only interesting thing to note from today is the story of the missing masters student! Part of this experience has been meeting all kinds of different people and all the social dynamics that comes along with a group of people working together. As I've mentioned before, two masters students joined the research group a few weeks ago, one a intercalating (splitting a degree to do a piece of research) medic, a young guy who is clever but can be a bit half-hearted at work. The other student is an older guy, who is reentering education, however I really don't know that much more as he is very mysterious...! He doesn't seem withdrawn, just won't bother to hang around when he's not needed and keeps himself to himself. And today, that kind of backfired - it turned out he had a meeting with our supervisor - but no-one knew where he was or how to contact him besides email, which he didn't reply to quickly anyway! I don't fancy being him tomorrow when he has to face our supervisor! 


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