Day 41: The Viva

One of the members of our research team has his viva today - a presentation and 4 hour grilling of your PhD thesis, but also the last big step/assignment before your release into the world as a Dr. 

This guy who had his viva today has been the person who has been supervising me the most and basically took me through everything whilst I've been learning in the lab. We're also now good friends and this guy is a friendly and likeable person to be around in the lab - so everyone was right behind him and supporting him today! Before and during his viva, there was such a low-key nervous buzz around the lab, with everyone anticipating how he would get on - all pretty confident he would do great, but going through the emotional rollercoaster with him! 

And he did fantastically in the end and then we all headed out to the pub (with a huge card and presents, of course!) and then his favourite restaurant to celebrate. Loads of fun for a Tuesday! 


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