Day 36: in my own world

A friend from our research group told me that I looked really peaceful today! And it was true I had quite a relaxing day, whilst still doing a full day's worth of work! :) It's been a manic couple of days - with quite a lot of things on my plate all at once. But today has been the first day where I've been able to just focus on my lab work, all by myself, with no-one watching or shadowing me, and it was actually really lovely. 

Reflecting on February: 
I've also realised today is the last day of February, marking a full month of lab work for me and the start of the last month of my project. 




This month has flown by, but equally it feels like I have been in the lab for so long (in a good way!) and I've learnt so much whilst I've been here! Now, I've really got to start getting my head down into writing now and think about the final experiments I've like to do to pull my project together and bring my project to a finish... 


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